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Promoting Christian Values…

Motivated by the teachings of the Gospel and inspired by the example of St. Francis of Assisi, the school community works together as a family in close association with the parents for the total development of each child.

Achieving Excellence…

Since its inception, the Immaculate Conception Preparatory School has enjoyed a rich history of academic and sporting excellence. Our students are motivated and encouraged to achieve the highest standards and continue to exceed expectations.

Ideal Learning Environment…

Immaculate Conception Preparatory School boasts a beautiful, spacious and protected campus, and provides access to a wide range of school facilities which serve to enrich the learning experience of its students.

From the Principal’s Desk

Welcome to Immaculate Conception Preparatory School!

Here at Immaculate as our motto states we strive for excellence not only in the Academic Field, but also in the total development of each student. We place special emphasis on fostering Christian Attitudes through our five values of Respect, Faith, Hope, Love and Unity.

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About Us

Immaculate Conception Preparatory School (ICPS) is a Roman Catholic inspired private institution for pupils of all denominations. It is an all-girl school, with students ranging from four to twelve years of age.

ICPS is located at 152 Constant Spring Road in Kingston, Jamaica W.I., has a student population of approximately 400 and a staff complement of 50.

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